Mountain biking is one of the most exciting activities in extreme sports. It can be intimidating, however, because of how fast they go and how easy it is to lose control if you don’t have much experience. So, how fast can a mountain bike go?
A mountain bike can go as fast as 30 miles per hour, but they go an average of 10 miles per hour. On a flat surface, you can expect your mountain bike to go 13 miles per hour when you pedal at a steady rate. Road bikes are 15% faster than mountain bikes, but they aren’t safe on offroad trails because the tire tread and pressure aren’t meant for debris and rocks.
However, you can safely ride a mountain bike on the road, but you won’t be able to go as fast as you would with a road bike. Follow along as we explore how fast a mountain bike can go and highlight ways to make it go faster.
What is the Maximum Speed of a Mountain Bike?
The maximum speed of a mountain bike rarely exceeds 30 miles per hour. You can typically only achieve speeds that fast when you ride a mountain bike downhill. Otherwise, mountain bikes go up to 13 miles per hour when riding on flat, even ground.
The average speed of a mountain bike is 10 miles per hour. Factors such as the tires, frame, road conditions, slope, and weight of the rider affect how fast a mountain bike can go. For example, mountain bikes with narrow tires typically go faster than wider tires with rough tread.
While a mountain bike can go 30 miles per hour downhill, this can be quite dangerous. Ideally, you shouldn’t exceed speeds of 17 to 19 miles per hour when you ride a mountain bike downhill. It’s much easier to lose control of your bike at high speeds, especially when riding downhill, and your wheels can wobble.
How to Make a Mountain Bike Go Faster
Put smooth and narrow tires on your mountain bike to make it go faster. Smooth tread reduces the resistance of your bike’s tires on the surface you ride on. With less resistance, your tires will glide over the surface which increases speed and performance.
Instead of using lots of force when you spin your feet, you should spin them as quickly as possible. You won’t pick up speed as quickly, but spinning quickly with less force makes it easier to go faster for longer. Check your bike chain to see if it is rusty or damaged.
If so, you must lubricate the chain to reduce resistance and make your mountain bike go faster. Polish the spokes on your mountain bike as well because it will be much harder to pedal. As several Redditors pointed out, you must also test several gear combinations to go faster as each mountain bike is different.
Can a Mountain Bike be as Fast as a Road Bike?
Road bikes typically go faster than mountain bikes, but only by a small margin. You can go between 17 and 22 miles on the average road bike, but they can exceed 30 miles per hour when riding downhill. This is only barely faster than a mountain bike, but the difference is significant for speed enthusiasts.
The main reason that road bikes go faster than mountain bikes is that they are meant for smooth surfaces. Mountain bikes are built to endure rough terrain that is often uneven, so the tire tread is quite different. Road bikes are built to roll quickly over paved surfaces.
However, the tire width, tread, and speed of the rider will determine your speed on a mountain bike and road bike. Road bikes are considered 15% faster than mountain bikes, but only if you maintain them well and pedal quickly. The difference is small enough that you should base your decision between the two on what type of terrain you typically traverse as opposed to speed.
Can You Ride Mountain Bikes on the Road?
You can ride mountain bikes on the road, but your speed and movement may be limited. Mountain bikes typically have wide tires which can increase your resistance on a paved road. Not only will this slow you down, but you may have to pedal harder to go as fast as you would with less effort on a road bike.
However, you should avoid riding a road bike on an offroad trail. The smooth tire tread on your road bike will struggle to grip the surface of offroad trails. Offroad trails are often uneven and much rougher than paved roads, and they can damage road bike tires.
Mountain bike tires are “squishy” because they must roll over branches, twigs, debris, and rocks on offroad trails. Because of that, they don’t have the tire pressure necessary to ride on paved surfaces quickly. The low tire pressure of mountain bikes is perfect for offroad trails, but the tires lack the firmness needed to reach high speeds on the road.
Can You Put Road Tires on a Mountain Bike?
You can put road tires on a mountain bike, but it can be dangerous. That’s because road tires have a stand pressure range between 80 and 130 psi. Conversely, mountain bikes require a tire pressure of 23 to 28 psi.
The high pressure of road tires makes them susceptible to pop and burst on an offroad trail. This can be dangerous if you’re on a remote trail that winds, or if you are riding downhill. However, you can safely put road tires on a mountain bike if you plan to stick to paved roads.

So, How Fast are Mountain Bikes?
Mountain bikes can go an average of 10 miles per hour, and they can max out at 30 miles per hour. That said, it can be dangerous to ride a mountain bike downhill faster than 19 miles per hour as it’s easy to lose control. Road bikes go 15% faster than mountain bikes, but they are unfit for offroad trails because the tire pressure is too high.

Emily Thompson, a 32-year-old mother of two, hails from Austin, Texas. With a background in journalism and a passion for storytelling, travel, quotes and spirituality.
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